Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Blogmas ¦ Day 16 - Blogging goals for 2016

As the end of the year looms closer I've been thinking about what I want to happen with my blog. I am hoping that by the end of 2016 that I'm going to be able to write a post and tell you about how I've achieved everyone of them but we will wait and see.

1. Starting Youtube

So the first one is something that the people in my life really want me to give a go and that is youtube. I'm hoping to invest in a decent camera in early 2016 and have my youtube channel up and running by the summer. It's a massive thing and I'm not sure whether I will hate it but I've decided it's about time I gave it a go.

2. Improve my photography

 Leading on from that one I'm also hoping to improve my photography. I know a fancy camera isn't everything but my little Nikon digital camera is coming to the end of it's life and I'm really struggling to get any decent quality pictures recently.

3. To hit 2000 followers
I'm currently about 60 followers away from 1500 so I feel like I may be over estimating my ability a little but I mean go big or go home.

4. To go to more Blogger meet ups
I've only ever actually been to two blogger meet ups in my whole 3 years of blogging so I'm hoping that I manage to get to more in 2016. So if any of you are thinking of a Manchester based meet up in the new year let me know!

5. Use Pinterest more
I need to use Pinterest more. I've heard so many people talk about how it's helped their blog grow so much so my goal is to try and pin photos from at least two posts a week.
I'd love to know what your blogging goals are for next year!



  1. Best of luck with your goals! One of mine is to use Pinterest more for my blog too, I'm always on there but forget to pin my blog stuff most of the time lol x

  2. I really want to get a better camera too and start Youtube! I was supposed to start posting videos last month but there's something wrong with my iMovie and I need to get it fixed before I can edit any videos... :)x

    Anu♡ | Based On | bloglovin

    1. Such lovely goals for 2016, good luck! You got this! X


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