I've not had chance to go into lush and pick some bits up from their Christmas range and I was a little sceptical ordering offline. On Friday I finally managed to get to a store and I thought I'd show you the couple of bits I picked up.
Candy Mountain Bubble bar-
This is my favourite Christmas product from lush and I pick it up every year. It smells a lot like snow fairy and I love the way it leaves the bath ever so slightly shimmery. It makes the skin feel really lovely after you've used it. I usually get two uses out of this one as I find if I chuck it all in at once it leaves the bath a bit too bubbly for my liking.
Stardust Bath ballistic -
I'm pretty sure this one is a new one for this year. I'm not sure it's going to do anything exciting but I was intrigued so I decided to pick it up. The scent is incredibly clean although it does have some levels of sweetness to it.
Golden wonder Bath ballistic -
I always like to have a bath on Christmas eve and this is my pick for this year. The scent is warm, and not to sweet but still very festive. I decided that a little bit of glitter seemed appropriate for Christmas eve and I did think about Holly go lightly but in all honesty I'm far to lazy to clean the bath after using it so in the end I settled for this one.
I'd love to know what you've been picking up from the lush Christmas range.
I love Golden Wonder! It's definitely one of my favourite Christmas products from Lush. The one that I probably like the most is Lord Of Misrule :)x
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