Monday, September 14, 2015

Beauty ¦ Mani Monday #6 - Maxfactor Colbalt blue

So it's Monday once again and it's time for another Mani Monday post, once again I've pulled out one of my favourite blue shades. I always get this one out in the transition between summer and autumn as it's not to dark but it's not a bright blue either. It doesn't pick up in the photos but it has quite a lot of green in it so it's a gorgeous deep teal shade. I love the formula of these polishes despite the claims they don't last 7 days on me personally but they are beautiful and glossy and I do still really love them. I definitely need to get around to picking up some more!



  1. I love this nail polish! I think I got it as park of a free gift and its such a gorgeous colour!

    Danielle's Beauty Blog

    1. I think that's where I got mine from I'm super glad I did though! x


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