Thursday, June 18, 2015

Life ¦ A bit of admin

So this past couple of weeks have been ridiculously hectic. I have now officially left school and I only have to go back one more time for my final leavers assembly. Since having my last exam last Friday I've spent most of my time out with my friends or trying to catch up with sleep. Blogging hasn't been my top priority this past couple of months and I've felt my content was just lacking something. However this past couple of weeks where my posts have been infrequent at best, I've realised how much I love blogging and I feel like this little hiatus has done me some good.
As much as I still love my beauty and I still love writing beauty posts I'm hoping to mix up my content a little. I want to do more lifestyle posts and perhaps even a few fashion ones thrown in the mix too. Don't get me wrong I'm still going to be writing about beauty but I' hoping at least one of my three posts a week will be based on something else. I'm planning on sharing lots of pictures of my summer and I'm also planning writing a post about my final thoughts on leaving school and also one about my prom.
I really hope you guys enjoy the new content that I'm going to be sharing!
PS. Also a massive shout out to Serena from Pretty wild things who designed my beautiful new layout I would recommend her blog designing services to anyone the girl has a talent!


  1. Ohhh your beauty pieces at great but can't wait to see your lifestyle posts! I love seeing a glimpse at the person behind the blog partly because I'm a massive nosey begger!


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